Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Things Are Rockin' And Rollin'

Hello All-

Things have been crazy busy on the moto-journalism front as of late. I can't remember a happier time professionally in my life. If only I could do this full time, I would be living the dream. Alas, I have obligations which exceed what I can provide from writing. Nevertheless, it's exciting to wake up each day, with so many article ideas floating around in my brain.

 I assembled this rack in my office and began to populate it with some of the stuff waiting for test or in process of being evaluated. After I took this picture I filled it with the rest of the items, in the order I plan to get to them. Some of it is colder weather gear, so I'll be able to get started on that once fall hits. I love being organized, and moving all this into my office means it's the first thing I see each morning. New fodder for articles and videos!


#Scorpion sent over this suit for testing. I've been really impressed with what these guys are doing in the midpriced segment. SAS-Tec armor, nice construction, understated styling.... Every time I get one of their products, I'm reminded how competitive things are out there. When I first started riding, you had to pay an arm and a leg for some of these features. Now, every newbie can afford them.

And in other earth-shattering news, this exhaust header nut FINALLY arrived from DG Exhaust for my YSR50. The poor YSR has been sidelined since May due to a stripped nut, and DG was..... unresponsive, to put it mildly. But, at last, the replacement is here, and theYSR50 is roadworthy again. It's going to be a hoot to ride a few times before the season ends.

 My top secret MCN article will come out in a few weeks - the editors seemed to enjoy it, which was gratifying since I poured my heart into it. I've got a few more in the works right now including finishing up the Scorpion EXO-GT3000 modular helmet test, the MCN Holiday Gift Guide, and a new Shoei Neotec helmet just arrived too.....


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